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Bookkeeping Express

We'll handle your books, so you can get back to business

BookKeeping Express

"We'll handle your books, so you can get back to business"

Bookkeeping Services for Small Businesses

The small business community must juggle the continual pressure to grow their businesses while trying to keep up with the financial transactions necessary to run their operations. Market research shows that there is a lack of quality and talent across the U.S. that can support the bookkeeping needs of the millions of small businesses

As a result, small business managers and owners work too hard in their business, and don't have the time they need to spend on their business.

Bookkeeping Express finds itself as the only bookkeeping franchise company focusing solely on bookkeeping services nationwide. With over 20 years of experience, we have grown through an owner/operator license model, which now, we are committed to franchising as a predominant way of doing business.

A key factor to the ongoing success is our commitment to recruiting, training, developing and supporting our bookkeeping franchise owners. From our corporate training and certification to our national marketing commitments, we're dedicated to helping our franchisees succeed.

Bookkeeping Express is Selling Franchises with Initial Investment under $50,000

"We are riding on the wave of demand for Certified Bookkeepers," says Chief Executive Officer Greg Jones. "Bookkeeping Express will provide businesses throughout the U.S. a reliable, affordable source for excellent bookkeeping services. Our target market is the 26.8 million small businesses in the United States. With our training and certification program, we plan to revolutionize bookkeeping in America!"

Unique Opportunities for the Entrepreneur:

  • Bookkeeping Express is the only franchise company focusing solely on bookkeeping services nationwide.
  • Bookkeeping Express has a 20-year track record.
  • The new franchising model will offer home-based, store front or commercial space.
  • Bookkeeping Express is an authorized QuickBooks affiliate.
  • The franchise will include a full training and certification program recognized by the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers.
  • National branding and Marketing programs to drive clients to the Franchisee.
  • Quality assurance controls that benefit both clients and Franchisees.
  • Turn-Key business model
  • IT system set up
  • Custom Flex Pricing model

"In a business world where payroll is dominated by national companies like Paychex and tax preparation is synonymous with H & R Block, we see our company becoming the recognized provider for business bookkeeping services."

Take advantage of demand
The U.S. Department of Labor predicted in 2006 that employment of bookkeeping, accounting and auditing clerks would grow 12 percent by 2016, creating about 264,000 new jobs over the decade.

Bookkeeping Franchise Quick Facts:

  • Founded 1984
  • Headquarters: McLean, Virginia
  • Number of open sites: 33 Nationwide
  • Segment: Business Services
  • Franchise fee: $30,000
  • Area Development and Master territories available
  • Start up costs: $30,000 - $50,000

  • Year Established: 1984
  • Total Units Operating: 30+
  • Cash Investment Required: $50,000
  • Total Investment Required: $50,000-$75,000
  • Minimum Net Worth Required: $250,000
  • Franchise Fee: $30,000
  • Financial Assistance Offered: YES/Third Party
  • Training and Support: YES

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