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You Are Here: Home > Automotive Franchises Automotive FranchisesAccording to the Automobile Service Association (ASA), 231 Million motor vehicles are being repaired a year by automotive service centers. This number seems to be growing over the past several years due to recent events. Consumers are driving more in their vehicles versus air travel and other public transportation means. So when consumers spend more time in their cars, there is a wear and tear factor that creates a demand that also impacts the Automotive Franchise Industry. There is an increase in auto repair and general maintenance. An increase in car rental franchise industry. This in an opportunity for entrepreneurs looking for an industry that has a strong history and is in constant demand. With an Auto and Tool Franchise, you have the opportunity to review and learn more about the various automotive franchise business models that are addressing the demand for products and services. To help you find the best fit for your particular life style, location and investment range, you can speak with a trained franchise consultant familiar with the Automotive Franchise Industry, they can guide you in the right direction.
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