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Fitness Together

- Fitness Together Sports and Fitness Franchise

Fitness Together

Fitness Together is the Worlds Largest Personal Training Organization. Our national franchise company is made up of a diverse group with three things in common: A desire to help people, an interest in fitness, and the entrepreneurial spirit. Using our proven business model, we have helped many people achieve the dream of opening their own personal training studio.

Our program offers unique personalized fitness training for men and women ranging from twelve to ninety five years of age. In the privacy of individual suites, our clients work with their own personal trainer to achieve mutually established fitness goals. Fitness Together is committed to franchising as our predominant method of growth throughout the world. Our company is built on three main foundations: Strong corporate support, proven operating systems, and excellent leaders.

Benefits of Joining Our Team:

We are committed to helping our franchise owners establish the best personal training service throughout the world. Our business experience and operational systems has proven to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses quickly, efficiently, and successfully.

  • Nationwide locations - Fitness Together is now the largest personal training organization in the world.We have 350 locations nationwide and are expanding into Canada, Ireland and Israel
  • Site selection - First, we will conduct demographic studies within your area of interest. We will then assist you in finding the ideal location for your studio.
  • Lease negotiation - Our experience dealing with building agents and property owners allows us the ability to protect your interests in negotiating a favorable lease.
  • Studio layout - Our CAD system will give you computerized drawings to help you choose the best, most efficient layout for your studio.
  • Studio start-up - Our experienced staff will work with you to make the entire process easy
  • Save money in negotiations - We will help you save money in startup costs, insurance, advertising contracts, employee costs and in many other areas.
  • Operations manual - We have created an operations manual for franchise owners. This will act as your blue print to success and provide you tips, strategies, and systems that are proven to work.
  • Test Marketing - We continue to test ideas and strategies at two or three test locations in order to provide all of our franchise locations with the latest and most effective methods of growing their businesses.
  • Marketing - Direct mail pieces, strategic business partnerships, referral cards, trainer incentives, and other marketing programs have been created and tested to increase your client base. We provide each franchise owner with an initial 12-month marketing plan.
  • Advertising - We can help you in knowing what to do to build your business quickly. We have spent thousands of dollars to have a startup advertising campaign prepared for you. The fees for models, design, layout, photography, and creativity have already been paid.
  • Monthly newsletter - The corporate office takes the time to prepare a newsletter each month with informative articles, training tips, nutritional tips, and recipes.
  • Franchise school - during our training program, you will be taken through the important processes in running your own business. All aspects of the Fitness Together program are systematized to make it easy for you.
  • Customized software - our Fitness Together software allows you to accurately track client sessions, client data and payments to help you stay organized.
  • Managing Employees - We will share with you our 20-plus years of employee relations and equip you with the tools you need to build a quality team.
  • Job Board - Our job board provides a platform for our franchise owners to recruit and hire the top trainers and managers in the country.
  • Toll free help line - Call us toll free with any questions. It is comforting to know that with a quick call you can talk to someone with many years of experience to provide you with an option, a strategy or even a little encouragement.
  • Internet exposure - Many clients contact us through our website daily to get started in a training program. The site is continuously updated to be more helpful in the growth of all franchise locations.
  • Internet Message board - Our website contains a message board with various topics allowing franchise owners to share ideas and interact with each other. It's nice to know you're part of a team!

In making the decision to own your own studio, we ask you to carefully consider the benefits we offer in a Fitness Together franchise above. We have confidence in our program because we have watched it work successfully over time. Make your dream a reality with Fitness Together!

  • Year Established: 1979
  • Total Units Operating: 103
  • Cash Investment Required: $125,000 - $175,000
  • Total Investment Required: $125,000 - $175,000
  • Minimum Net Worth Required: $200,000
  • Franchise Fee: $34,000
  • Financial Assistance Offered: No
  • Training and Support: One 40 Hour Week with Follow-up Visits / Monthly Conferences in Groups of Five

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