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When you work for yourself, you'll be able to take advantage of tax laws allowing you to leverage both income and expenses to your advantage. And the market opportunities are just staggering. Open up your Yellow Pages and look no further. Every business, school, church, clubanyone, will benefit from using promotional products.

When you walk through the door with a display case full of affordable, saleable items, they'll do most of the talking for you. Once you sell a customer and establish a relationship, they'll call you again and again for their advertising needs. Plus, they'll tell all of their business associates about your ability to produce great promotional products. You'll have tons of new clients headed your way.



Every business in your community needs your services. Just drive down any commercial street or open the Yellow Pages and potential clients are waiting for you. Besides individual businesses, you'll find church groups, schools, non-profitsjust about anyone who wants to advertise. How many printed t-shirts walk by you every day? Look in your own homehow many key chains, pens, coffee mugs have you picked up along the way?

Promotional products make millions of dollars for businesses everywhere. They work regardless of the state of the economy, they're a continually used advertising tool, and an on-going source of income for suppliers like you.


Success as a Press-A-Print operator begins with our extensive training program in Idaho Falls, Idaho...preparing you to walk away confident and ready to earn.


The equipment is designed for easy operation. But, success comes from knowing the nuances of printing that will set you apart from the competition. You'll learn all of the tricks of the trade by actually performing tasks in our hands-on sessions. When you begin to work at home, you'll already feel a familiarity that breeds confidence.

You'll also participate in business training workshops welcoming you to the advertising printing industry. We'll help you with business planning, marketing, product and service pricingeverything you'll need to run your own business.

Our advanced training services include website services, graphic design assistance, and advanced marketing techniques.

We've made it our job to make sure your 100% prepared to do yours.


Website Services

We'll design a website specifically suited to the promotional products industry and most importantly, to you. It will reflect the individuality of your business with one goal in mindto bring you more business. You'll describe your services, the process of doing business with your company, and links to any organizations you see fit to include. And of course you'll have a contact page with an email contact form.


You'll have a Product Search page on your website where your customers can have access to thousands of items to find just the right tool for their advertising needs. The page will also highlight seasonal and special product discounts.

The Company Store page on your site will offer your customers a place where they can go to (or send their employees) to purchase clothing or printed products with their company name or logo. This service practically guarantees repeat business.

One of the most powerful tools you'll have in your web advertising aresenal will be the ability to send potential customers to a page on your site where they can view a virtual sample of a printed product. With our Design Studio page, you can even upload their logos and show it to them on hundreds of products.

Graphic Services


You don't have to be an artist or graphic designer to successfully run a printing business. For those of you who need direction or help, our graphic service will put you in touch with talented, quality individuals that can tackle any of your customer's needs. Whether you need a piece re-worked or created from scratch, we have quick, low cost solutions for you.


What if a client asks you for a huge order you just can't handle, but you don't want to lose the business? Just call us. Using our Preferred Supplier Program, we'll find you a quality printer capable of doing the larger jobs for you. You'll make a couple of phone calls, keep your customer happy, and get paid a percentage of the deal.

  • Year Established: Value 1
  • Total Units Operating: Value 2
  • Cash Investment Required: Value 3
  • Total Investment Required: Value 4
  • Minimum Net Worth Required: Value 5
  • Franchise Fee: Value 6
  • Financial Assistance Offered: YES / NO
  • Training and Support: YES / NO

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    Business Franchises, Small Business Franchise Opportunities
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